Friday, November 19, 2010

TEENS:What rhymes with eyes and makes sense in this case? Read my poem its funny lol...?

Well, in English class we are reading the Canterbury Tales, and now we have to get in partners and pretend we are characters and step into eachothers shoes and write a tale and description about them. So my poem so far is.

The Beautiful Person

She, Toni, is amazingly pretty,

She shines just like a dazzling city.

She's obviously a beauty,

but still believes in cooties.

At times, this girl, is such a flirt,

Boys enjoy looking down her shirt.

Her hair flows down, as brown as chocolate,

Side-swept bangs, like a Hollywood starlet's.

Beneath those bangs, rest her eyes,


And never, will she get detention,

she is the center of attention.

In all subjects, she does well,

But in English, she excels.

Her sense of humor will make you laugh,

just make sure she orders decaf.

Her earrings, a shade of turquoise blue,

they make all the children say “Whoo-Hoo!”.

Her favorite color of course is pink,

She likes the sound of coins that clink.

Ahahahahah lame i know, yet I still am in Advanced English lol. Anywayss for the couplet ending in eyes, what do I write? And also can you tell me how it is so far and some headers, lol? Thanks. :]

All help is appreciated. My teacher saw it and laughed and said it was really funny and great and i should add more to it FYI. Thankyou and please helpp!

Lovee youuu:)TEENS:What rhymes with eyes and makes sense in this case? Read my poem its funny lol...?
sighs, lies, cries, flies, rise, tries, alibis,TEENS:What rhymes with eyes and makes sense in this case? Read my poem its funny lol...?
Beneath those bangs are set her eyes--

They sparkle and glimmer like starlit skies.
I have no idea about Canterbury Tales, but 'thighs' could fit in nicely.
Beneath those bangs, rest her eyes,

that sparkle brighter then the stars in the skies


Beneath those bangs, rest her eyes,

they sparkle so bright, even through the greatest disguise
Like big pizza pies...
That sparkle like a moonlit sky

-I had to do this same exact assignment 4 my eng class. we just made up our own story not about somebody n the class tho

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